Sunday, December 21, 2008

Doll House

I was asked about the dollhouse at the Lincoln Museum shown in a previous post. It is a replica of Lincoln's home in Springfield and the dolls inside are the Lincoln family. The picture I have here is not very good, but you get the idea. Mikayla loves doll houses and she made a beeline right to it as soon as she entered the playroom. They actually had one of these doll houses in the gift shop. Of course, when Mik saw it she said "Oh, My, Gosh! I want it!" We admired it along with her but told her that we couldn't afford it because it was $300. She said "I don't care! I WANT it!" She was very disappointed that we couldn't get it. If I'd have been rich, I think I would have taken one home. It was so cool and what a great way to learn about history.

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