Thursday, August 27, 2009
One year ago Mamma mia ...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Parkland Cobras Rah Rah Rah!
This was our first Parkland basketball game this year. Mikayla LOVES the dancers, who are award winners this year! We always sit with the dancers when we go to games. Sweet Rachel that you see in the video took Mikayla under her wing. Mik was drooling over the pompoms whispering to me "I just want to touch one" reaching out one little finger to gently touch one strip of pompom. Then Rachel let her HOLD both of them and actually taught her how to use them. She was sooooo excited. The dancers' coach brought Mik a 2009 poster of them and Rachel had all the girls autograph it for her. The next day I framed the picture and gave it to Mik for her room. She kissed Rachel's picture and said "I love her". Awwwwwwwww...
She did actually watch a little of the basketball game and loved yelling when our team made a basket. One of the players is a CHD student and is doing a practicum in one of the classes at the Child Development Center (not in Mik's room, so she didn't know her). I don't feel bad going to the game for just the dancers and cheerleaders. Those sports are just as important and as athletic as basketball, just not so appreciated.
Friday, February 13, 2009
So long tooth, hello tooth fairy!
Today Mikayla lost her first tooth. She was laying on the couch resting with Grandpa and all of a sudden yelled "Here's my tooth!" She was so excited. I think the most fun was being able to suck on a straw without even opening her teeth. So funny. I forgot what fun something as simple as that can be!
Lincoln's Valentine Birthday!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New Verse
2 Thessalonians 1:11 (NLT)
"So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call."
You know why I chose it. Thank you Donna.
Guiding Light (daily drama that's not mine!)
Regarding that gall bladder thing...I went to the doc yesterday, had some tests, more today and more Friday. Until then, no milk products, no fat, and only small amounts of food at a time. In other words, don't eat anything I like. The good news is I've lost ten pounds in three weeks. I may need to stay sick for another twenty pounds worth. I may have to. It's really not fun.
Okay, one more thing, or two. Who can forget the evil Roger???? That was the best storyline of all. And do you remember that Kevin Bacon used to play TJ Werner? Just had to get that in. Sometimes it's just fun to realize that my life really isn't as bad as a soap opera!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
We played this song for our mothers to walk in during our wedding. Mikayla and I were looking for music videos and this came up. I remembered how much we loved our mothers and wanted them to know just how much we loved them.
Listen here:
Friday, January 23, 2009
Memory verse
"Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
If you see me, ask me to recite it for you. I need some accountability and a little encouragement!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Baby, the three-legged dog
Bad ending to a wonderful day-I caught the virus that Dave and Mikayla had. I haven't been so sick since I had appendicitis. It's easing off, but I still feel crummy. So glad I didn't feel like this all day yesterday. I would have missed history.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Clair de Lune

Cousin Karen shared another memory of our mother with me. She told me how she listened to Debussy's Clair de Lune as performed by Iturbi over and over and over a million or more times until Karen was sick of it. When she complained, her mother told her to go to her room if she didn't want to listen, it was GOOD music. Iturbi was also a film actor as well as a musician, thus explaining how Mother probably became interested. There is now an Iturbi piano competion and a simple version of Clair de Lune is one of the first pieces learned in piano lessons (I remember our neighbor Chi Chi played it as did my son Josh when he took lessons). Click the link below to hear Iturbi playing the song on YouTube".
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Doing life together
This is the awesomest small group of women (next to my sisters of course!) in the world. I have never met a more sincere, God-loving, servant hearted , REAL bunch of gals in my life. We are all so different, yet so alike. They are (left to right) Donna, Denise, me (I'm not that awesome and I look like I'm posing, but really I'm trying to stand up straight and not look so dumpy!), Sue, Margaret, and our leader Joanne. I am not worthy to be a part of this group, but I am so glad I am. I love you guys.
And Tim-thanks for taking the picture! Love you too.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Heather Harris Original

Things I learned about God while cheating at cards
Okay, not REALLY cheating. I like to play Spider Solitaire on the computer. My favorite moves are “undo” and “restart game”. Is it really cheating if you’re playing against yourself? Sometimes I undo back more than ten moves. Sometimes I play the same game again and again until I get it right. When I’ve re-played the same game a few times, making “all the right moves”, I try it with all the “wrong moves” and often succeed with that. I’m convinced that there is a way to win at every game. It’s weird I know, but late at night I sometimes imagine that I’m playing Solitaire with God. Can I still call it solitaire? One day it hit me that maybe He can even use my solitaire addiction to teach me a few things. Here are some things I’ve learned:
- You can always win, you’ve just got to keep trying. You don’t know what’s coming next.
- We have no concept of time when playing solitaire. Maybe that’s like God’s time. What may seem like a long time to us is a blink of an eye to God.
- Sometimes the most unlikely or “wrong” move, like those God sometimes tells you to make, (”lean not on your own understanding”) may be the one that that is the most helpful to you or someone else.
- It’s fun when someone claps for you-even the computer (God loves praise, but he also claps for us and loves us to do well).
- Solitaire wastes a lot of time that could be better spent reading my Bible, serving others, praying, or doing my homework.
- In the end, it’s just a game, and God still loves you.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Lionel is back AGAIN!

Message through the radio-again (another little miracle)
The Miracles of Lionel Richie
Friday, January 02, 2009
My Raggedy