On October 10, 2003 our world changed. Mikayla was born.
Mikayla Thay
Born on: October 10, 2003 at 8:23:00 PM
Weight: 6 lbs. 14 ozs.
Length: 19 inches
Delivered by: Baumstark, Jennifer, CNM
I was in Old Navy around noon when I got the call. "Mom, I think it's time." And I answered the usual "for what?" "We're having the baby!" I said excitedly "Okay, I'll be right there". I drove quickly (for me) to Urbana to their house and we drove to the hospital. Up to the floor to see the doctor. Seems like we sat there for a long time! About an hour later, V went to a labor room in a wheelchair. She must not have been in really hard labor or I don't think she would have had to wait so long. I called my friend Sue Osborne from my small group at church (Soula the Doula), and we met her in labor and delivery. The four of us spent most of V's labor together. V's mom came a little later as she was taking care of Mikayla's cousin at the time. Sue was so helpful. V did an awesome job. She progressed slowly and eventually had to have a pitocin drip. Things got going then. It was a really smooth delivery and they hadn't even taken childbirth classes because of their work schedules. They had me cut the cord-J thought it was just too gross. I watched the whole thing and even asked to see the placenta (looked good to me-nice and red and liverlike!). V's mom couldn't watch too closely. It must be difficult to watch your daughter give birth! Both Grandpas, Taylen (cousin), Uncle Josh (still in a wheelchair because of his car accident about 6 weeks earlier, he lived with J and V) and Tiffany (Josh's girlfriend) came around 10:00. I remember calling my mother after Mikayla was born to say "Happy Birthday", you have your first great granddaughter born on your birthday! What a lovely, exhausting day! Thank you Sue for all your help and support. Happy Birthday Mikayla.